Advance Directives & Medical Decision Making
Your medical care should be your decision; advance directives keep it that way.
It’s difficult to think about not being able to make medical decisions on your own, but there may be a time when you are not able. If that time comes, you want to be sure that a loved one has your best interest in mind. You want to know that the person making the decision is the one you discussed your wishes with. We’ll help you create Advance Directives and give you guidance about the discussion you should have with the person you choose as your agent. In Maryland, the advance medical directive allows you to provide instructions to your agent regarding your preferences for the use or withdrawal of artificial life-sustaining procedures if you are in a persistent vegetative state, at an end-stage condition, or if you have a terminal condition.
Talk to us now to establish Advance Directives.
To find out how the attorneys of Davis, Agnor, Rapaport & Skalny, LLC can help you structure a plan so your wishes are fulfilled, call us at 410.995.5800 or email an attorney from the Estate Planning Group.